Opernhaus Zurich, Switzerland
The biggest city of Switzerland, Zurich faces the Limato river and known as the historic, cultural city with roman walls and old churches. Opernhaus is the neo-baroque style theater about 10 minutes from central station by tram. The shoe-box style auditorium built in 1891 has about 1200 seats. It is close to the lake Zurich and the lake view from the balcony is beautiful at night.
Using renovated stage mechanism, there are performances almost everyday from September to July. Many of famous opera stars often appear and it is the first grade operahouse with more than 10 new production every year.
Ever since 1992, this is the center of Adam Fischer''s activity where he conducts more than 20 operas in a year. (02/01/1998)
Оперный театр Цюриха был построен в 1834 году знаменитыми венскими архитекторами Гельмером и Фельнером. Зрительный зал вмещает 1100 зрителей. Петь там довольно сложно, акустика театра беспощадна к любым вокальным погрешностям. |